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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I book a Princess party?

Simply connect with us on Facebook Messenger, or email  You can also go to the "Price Quote" page on our website and fill out your selections.  We offer a wide range of packages to suit any budget and time constraint. 

How far in advance should I book?

It is recommended that you book your princess party about 8-10 weeks in advance (we will no longer be booking out past that time period). Please note that our weekends do book up quickly, however, don’t hesitate to contact us if your date is coming up soon.  We will do our best to make your special party or visit happen!

What precautions are you taking for COVID?

We are taking COVID very seriously.  We are taking extra precautions to keep everyone healthy and safe by using good hand-washing techniques, using hand sanitizer before and after every visit, and staying home when feeling ill.

Are there any add-on services provided?

Yes!  We offer several add-on services:


~Printable Invitations (digital download): $5

~Personalized Invitations - completely customizable (digital download): $10

~Milk Chocolate Princess Favors 

~Professional Photographer (dependent on availability)

~"My Princess and Me" or "My Buddy and Me" Activity Journal - $5

(perfect for a party favor)


non-personalized invites
Fuller's Candy.jpg
Personalized Invites

Does the party have to be at my home?

You can hold your princess party just about anywhere! Whether you’d like your own kingdom to be the venue or you’ve rented a hall, park, or other space, our princesses will be more than happy to make their grand entrance in the place of your choosing.  Please be aware that some venues have their own restrictions and guidelines. Please check with your venue to see if they allow outside entertainment before booking with us. 


Outdoor parties are welcomed as well, but we ask that you please be mindful of the conditions (clean, dry area, free from dirt or mud) and have a backup plan in place should there be inclement weather.

What do I need to do to prepare for the party?

We ask that you prepare an area where all the children can gather around the Princess(es), leaving enough room for the children to move around for games and activities.    


Other than that, you will not have to prepare or provide anything beyond what you will need for the party before your princess arrives and after she leaves. Our princess will come prepared with all supplies and props necessary for your chosen activities. Please keep in mind that she will not be bringing decorations or dress up clothes for your guests, so you will have to provide those extras if you’d like them.

What is the ideal age for a princess party?

We've found that children of just about any age can appreciate the magic of a good princess party! You know your kids better than anyone else, so you would be the best judge of what would make your children happy. The most popular age range is 3 to 7 years old.

Do I need to reserve a parking spot for the Princess?

Our Princess will intentionally try to park away from the party to make sure the children do not see her arriving in a car. We do our best to maintain character integrity to keep the magic alive, but we do appreciate having safe and easy access to the party!

Do your Princesses accept gratuities?

Yes. While gratuities are never expected, they are always greatly appreciated! 

How far do you travel?

We will travel up to 15 miles from Shavertown, PA without a service charge.  For parties more than 15 miles away, there will be a $1 per mile charge.

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